No Meeting
Meeting canceled due to weather
Meeting canceled due to weather
Class B uniforms this night, we will be working on advancement for the COH next week.
Class A uniforms this night. This is a Troop Court of Honor night where the boys will be receiving the awards they have earned over the past few months.
Maclaine Greisch’s Eagle Scout bowling fundraiser. Mark your calendars, and please let Maclaine know if you can make it. See attached. Eagle Fundraiser Flier
Regular Meeting night, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Clinton Ave. School, Class B uniforms this night, we will be working on Collections Merit Badge this evening.
President’s day, NO school, and NO scout meeting this week.
Tentative date for Onteora Trip Shopping.
This is the weekend of the Onteora trip, more details will follow.
Regular Meeting night, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Clinton Ave. School, Class B uniforms this night, we will be working on Collections Merit Badge again
Webelos Visiting Night, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Clinton Ave. School, Class A uniforms this night, we will be running demonstrations for the visiting Pack 354 Webelos