Troop Meeting
This is a Game Night. The boys should bring down a game that they want to play, and coordinate with their friends on what they plan on doing. 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Clinton Ave. School, Class B uniforms
This is a Game Night. The boys should bring down a game that they want to play, and coordinate with their friends on what they plan on doing. 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Clinton Ave. School, Class B uniforms
Maclaine Greisch’s Eagle Scout project, more details to come in subsequent email.
Regular Meeting night, going over merit badge work, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Clinton Ave. School, Class B uniforms
Friday afternoon at 4:00 pm at the Centereach Elks lodge is the Eagle Scout Court of Honor (COH) for Andrew Jaffie, and Juan Tejada. We will need all the boys to attend and show their support for these boys, just as they would like the troop to support them when they make Eagle Scout. The […]
We will continue to work on Maclaine's Eagle Scout project at Terryville Elementary School.
Regular Meeting night, going over merit badge work, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Clinton Ave. School, Class B uniforms
Regular meeting, the boys will continue to work on merit badges.
Phil Keskes is having his Eagle Scout fundraiser at Port Jeff Bowl from 3 to 5. Contact Phil for tickets
The annual troop holiday party will take place. If any of the boys want to participate in the grab bag activity, an anonymous gift of at least $20 is required. Class B uniforms are appropriate.
We will have our second planning meeting of the year. Class B uniforms are appropriate. Planning Meeting Calendar