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Eagle Scout Fundraiser

Adam Derenches Eagle Scout 5 Guys fundraiser. Mark your calendars, and please let Adam know if you can make it. See attached. Eagle Fundraiser Flier

Eagle Scout Fundraiser

Adam Derenches Eagle Scout bowling fundraiser. Mark your calendars, and please let Adam know if you can make it. See attached. Eagle Fundraiser Flier

Troop Meeting

Regular Meeting night, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Clinton Ave. School, Class B uniforms this night I’m planning on making this a Yawgoog information night for the boys and parents. If you have any questions about Yawgoog, boys and parents, please plan on attending this evening.

Calverton Flag Placement

This is the Calverton Flag Placement day.  We will meet at the high school tennis courts parking lot at 8:25 am Saturday morning, and we will be leaving at 8:35 am sharp.  There is quite a bit of traffic headed out on this morning, and we need to get an early start. Class A uniforms, […]

Memorial Day

Memorial Day – No Meeting, 5/29/17 This is Memorial Day, no school, and no scout meeting

Cathedral Pines Camping Trip w/ a Search & Rescue Merit Badge weekend

We are planning a campout at Cathedral Pines this weekend. $20.00 per boy for the food for the weekend, they should bring their bikes and helmets, and we will be doing a Search and Rescue MB program. We will be running a Search and Rescue merit badge program on the campout.  There is a flier […]

Calverton Flag Pickup

Saturday Morning, 6/3/17, Calverton Flag Pickup This is the Calverton Flag Pickup day.  We will meet at the high school tennis courts parking lot at 8:30 am Saturday morning, and we will be leaving at 8:45. We are planning a campout at Cathedral Pines this weekend, more details to follow later. Class B uniforms, and […]

Troop Meeting

Regular Meeting night, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Clinton Ave. School, Class A uniforms for those that did not attend the Calverton Flag Placement or Pickup. Class B uniforms for those that did attend one of these events.

Saturday at Stony Brook Museum

We are organizing a trip to the Stony Brook Museum for Sculpture Merit Badge. This will be from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, and will cost $5.00 per boy, $10 for adults. You need to let us know if you plan on attending this. Class B uniforms